About Me

I'm a full stack software engineer with a background in Indigenous language revitalization. I'm also a certified Spanish<->English interpreter/translator with experience in education and IT. While teaching English in Japan, I realized my desire to shift into tech and help develop tools that advance social justice and fulfill my creative mind. I love front-end design technologies like Sass and Mapbox, as well as the possibilities of Unity and Phaser in game development.

2020 - Present

Raindrop Games

Programmer & Indigenous Language Consultant (Volunteer)

+ Fixed an in-game bug by creating a function to block clicks on 3D models during cutscenes.

+ Updating "Arrival: Village Kasike" for iOS game using Unity and C#, with plans to incorporate more Taíno language features into the game.

2017 - Present

Catholic Charities of Boston


+ Interpret and translate for Spanish-speaking clients to receive adequate community, legal and medical assistance resulting in positive cross-cultural interactions.

2016 - Present

Interpreters and Translators, Inc.

Spanish Interpreter

+ Perform legal interpreting for Spanish-speaking clients in legal settings.

2018 - 2020

Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme (JET)

Assistant Language Teacher

+ Taught 24 bilingual classes to junior and senior high school Japanese students, focusing on spoken communication and creative writing, while incorporating social issues, critical thinking and cross-cultural analysis.

2016 - 2018

eResearchTechnology, Inc. (ERT)

Customer Care Representative

+ Provided technical support to a daily average of over 150 global clients participating in more than 9500 clinical trials across 8 business lines

+ Raised cultural awareness by consolidating language services and advocating for diverse interviewees, resulting in the hiring of 3 more Black employees in my department

2015 - 2016

Connecticut Science Center

Alternate/On-Call Lead Visitor Services Specialist

+ Achieved high standard of customer service levels, representing the public face of a nonprofit educational institution, helping the organization to surpass its Net Income goal in 2015 Q4

+ Exceeded new hire expectations and received promotion from seasonal staff to member of the management team in under 2 months in recognition of my proactivity and leadership skills

2013 - 2015

Adler University

Front Desk/IT Coordinator

+ Supervised 9 front desk staff to effectively manage all administrative and technical support, regulating campus schedules/operations to prioritize student and faculty needs

+ Reimaged and updated over 46 workstations to synchronize cross-campus user experience

+ Replaced more than 12 legacy machines with new and re-imaged computers to decrease fiscal spending and increase work efficiency

+ Created the flagship Diversity Committee team site and info page on the Adler Connect Portal 3.0, an internal information source for students, staff and faculty

+ Transitioned the campus branding through a legal/organizational name change, keeping vendors and business partners abreast

+ Strengthened relationships with community and business partners as well as existing adjunct faculty, alumni and vendors through continued support of and scheduled technology upgrades


UBC Arts Advising

Aboriginal Student Affairs Peer Advisor

+ Provided academic and administrative information to Indigenous and non-Indigenous students, and managed schedules of Academic Advisors including the Aboriginal Student Affairs Academic Advisors

+ Updated academic data pertaining to Aboriginal Students in the Faculty Of Arts

+ Distributed and tracked all communications to the outgoing and incoming Aboriginal students, explaining details and following up for graduation, registration, and orientation

2011 - 2013

Musqueam Indian Band

Language Assistant

By signing a contract with the Musqueam Indian Band's Language Department, I helped to maintain a pact of confidentiality for the sake of intellectual property, language rights and ownership, and cultural well-being of the community.

2010 - 2011

Museum of Anthropology at UBC (MOA)

Native Language Consultant

+ Proofread existing labels and display texts in 2 Wakashan languages for museum artifacts to ensure sustained linguistic and culturally sensitivity for MOA exhibits and archives.

2009 - 2013

UBC First Nations & Endangered Languages Program

Research Assistant/Teaching Assistant

+ Completed 2 Kwak’wala dictionary digitizations, involving data entry, digital media editing and community outreach, to be used by remote community members

+ Edited and added to an archived hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ glossary for redistribution in the language revitalization program which was then used as the basis for the language-learning app